This is still somewhat a work in progress. You can already find my posts and writeups, frequently mirrored from where they were originally published (e.g. on one of the websites of my CTF teams, or the CryptoHack blog). Further improvements to this website, and more information about me and what I do will likely appear at a later point.
I recently (successfully) defended my PhD thesis at COSIC, and am currently doing cryptography things at 3MI Labs.
An overview of posts per tag can be found here
A list of all posts, grouped per month is here
Recent posts
[KalmarCTF 2024] BreakfaestMar 18, 2024
I heard that you could use VOLE-in-the-head to make post-quantum signatures. Here's a signature scheme based on the Poseidon hash function. Can you create a forgery?
Practical lattice reductions for CTF challengesFeb 26, 2024
A training for team Europe, getting in shape for the next edition of the ICC.
[DiceCTF Quals 2024] Diligent AuditorFeb 11, 2024
I hired an auditor to secure my python interpreter!
[UIUCTF 2023] Vimjail {1,2}{,.5}Jul 02, 2023
Four jails were made for the king of editors, one exploit to rule them all.
[UIUCTF 2023] Rattler ReadJul 02, 2023
All these poisonous snakes keep biting me. Good think I remembered to bring restrictedpython to keep me safe!
[GCTF 2022] CyclingJul 05, 2022
Pack out your quantum computer and perform 2^1025-3 encryptions to solve this challenge. Good luck doing this in 48h.
[DiceCTF 2022] TI-1337 Silver EditionFeb 08, 2022
Back in the day the silver edition was the top of the line Texas Instruments calculator, but now the security is looking a little obsolete. Can you break it?
[DiceCTF 2022] TypedFeb 08, 2022
~~Haskell~~ Rust is a dynamically typed, interpreted language. Can you get my code to stop erroring?